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7th Stream Marketing, LLC
Digital Authors for Small Businesses
Publishers of Content and Advertising

A Southern New Jersey Company - 856.854.7078

Welcome - News Flash: Is Comcast Contemplating a Tilt-a-Whirl-- Theme Park TV Content Strategy?

7th Stream’s MBA program: Marketing, Branding, Advertising as Art

7th Stream Marketing is a digital author of web pages for small businesses. Our company mixes direct and interactive marketing with branding and design by publishing micro Web Slices for small businesses as geographically targeted keyword search advertising campaigns. Our responsibility as successful marketers is to understand our client’s product/service, brand promise and customer experience; ultimately creating content that engages people. Innovation and vision are considered core, strategic components of 7th Stream’s MBA program. 7th Stream Marketing is located in southern New Jersey, part of the tri-state Delaware Valley area, servicing regional clients in Philadelphia and clients in northeast destinations such as New York.
Please Note: Bruce McDermott is not associated with 7th Stream Marketing.

Internet Search marketing - What are micro Web Slices?

Internet search marketing allows businesses to respond to a targeted message based on a customer’s intent as expressed in a search query. Customers entering websites, via keyword search queries, are landing on specific entry pages – not necessarily the home page. At 7th Stream Marketing, we refer to these “specific entry pages” as micro Web Slices. A micro Web Slice, authored by 7th Stream Marketing, is a single page
designed and targeted as a creative search advertising campaign to illuminate the intent of a small business. A micro Web Slice could simply be a website, or it could be a page that is linked to an existing website. 7th Stream’s micro Web Slices are akin to a full-page advertisement in a magazine.

The majority of small businesses cannot afford a captivating, glossy advertisement in most magazines. 7th Stream Marketing is an independent publisher and “personal brand steward” for small businesses. We create content for small businesses. 7th Stream Marketing designs communications that are contextually relevant and timely targeted to
inform and entertain. There is no wall between editorial and advertising. We design micro Web Slices “within boundaries,” but we do not design “to standards.” 7th Stream’s “business” is creating information without owning it. 7th Stream publishes content for small businesses acting as their “brand steward”. 7th Stream Marketing authors, edits and
designs micro Web Slices for customer audiences that satisfy an appetite for logical connectivity.

7th Stream Marketing believes publishing information is the best way for small businesses to stay at the forefront of the minds of their customers. Advertising is one of the ways small businesses publish information to continue to foster and build a relationship with their customers and gain new customers. Publishing allows people to get to know small businesses by name, by brand and to begin to develop a trust relationship. Publishing is an excellent way to start building a mailing list to grow a subscription base. Becoming an expert voice in any field of business begins with publishing. 7th Stream’s micro Web
Slices are the expert voices of small businesses.

7th Stream Marketing includes search engine optimization with every micro Web Slice. See, “What is SEO” at – Online Marketing.

7th Stream Marketing also includes a customized post-card design with every micro Web Slice. See “Post-Card Designs” at – Online Marketing.

7th Stream Marketing offers a subscription service keeping micro Web Slices content relevant online. See Services.

Call us: 856.854.7078
Visit us: 336 Haddon Avenue, Haddon Township, New Jersey 08108
Contact us: webslices@7thStreamMarketing.com

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Southern NJ

 micro Web Slices are Advertising as Art